Five Things I Learned Five Years Ago – Rooted Woman

Five Things I Learned Five Years Ago

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Five years ago, I was experiencing an unexpected turn in my health.  I began the journey of a lifetime by finding the courage to unapologetically hit the pause button on work. I was forced to retire the belief that work is life. It was in this time that my values such as self-care, self-love, and self-work came sharply into focus. I also found the courage to start Rooted Woman.  

Here are five things I wish I knew five years ago, but that I now know for sure.

  1. Gratitude can change your life. It’s just that simple.  Becoming grateful has the potential to change every aspect of who you are as an individual and what you get out of life.
  2. Forgiving myself was key to my healing. Choosing not to be stingy in forgiveness extends to forgiving me. In fact, forgiveness may be the most important part of self-care. Our thoughts, particularly our thoughts about ourselves, determine so much in our lives.  When you’re holding onto negative feelings about your life choices it can impact every action you take. 
  3. No is a complete sentence.  Saying no is one way that we can begin to create healthy boundaries. It also creates more room to say yes to things that really matter: practicing self-care, resting, traveling, etc. 
  4. I am worthy.  I am worthy of my own time, energy and attention.  I honor myself even when it does not align with what others want from me. Tending to the relationship that I have with myself is everything
  5. Peace be still.  If it costs me my peace, it’s too expensive.  Instead of allowing people to pull me into their storms, I hold space for them in my peace because I am with me (always).

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