Happy New Year, Rooted Family.
We know that this time of year is popular for vision boarding, resolution making, and goal setting. We’re here for it. We also want to remind you to give yourself grace while you’re setting these life changing, paradigm shifting, and world saving goals. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
You know the saying, “anything good takes time”. When we are scrolling through our timeline or catching up with old friends it can be easy to think I wish I was there already. Remember, where you are is where you’re supposed to be, because the lessons from everywhere we’ve been make us who we are. If your goals are taking you deeper into your self-care practice, positioning you to be financially free, taking you all over the world, or moving you to the next step in your career, they will require time and commitment. It’s more about moving forward than it is moving fast.
Here are a few ways that we practice grace while setting goals:
1. Avoid Comparison
Social media gives us the illusion that we are watching or reading someone’s story in real time. While there are some amazing, authentic, and inspiring humans on there, no one’s story is more encouraging than your own.
We offer that you avoid comparison by: limiting your time on your favorite social media platform, write down one thing you are proud of + one thing you are grateful for every day.
2. Enjoy the Journey
Remember that we are the sum of our experiences. While you are moving towards your goals we offer that you ask yourself two important questions: What can be enjoyed here? What can be learned here?
3. Expect the Unexpected
You never know what life will bring your way. So when it brings the unexpected, no worries, because you expected that.
One thing we like to remember when we are hit by a surprise is: All things are happening for my good, all the time.
As we are quickly moving through January, we would love to hear how you are having grace while setting goals! Please share with us on Instagram or Twitter @RootedWoman.