You've learned a lot about how to show up for your obligations, despite adversity and adapting. But this year, we hope you'll apply that same energy to show up for yourself. We call it radical self-care, but it's just taking responsibility to care for yourself first before attempting to take care of others. It's necessary to fill your cup, first, by offering yourself support and comfort daily. Here's how!
Listen To You
The best way to show up for yourself is to acknowledge yourself. Listen to your feet, head, and heart, and do your best to honor what it's saying. Instead of pushing yourself to keep going when you are tired, allow yourself to take a break and put your feet up, or get a pedicure. Instead of pushing down your feelings when you are sad, take intentional time to reflect or journal to get your emotions out.
Be Nice To You
Kindness is a gift you can give yourself at any moment of the day and in many different ways. Look in your mirror and affirm yourself — mind, body, and soul. Shower yourself with gifts and nice gestures. Allow yourself to internalize and believe every compliment you get from others. Let go of false humility and putting yourself down to make others feel better. We encourage you to delight in yourself enough to take up all the space you need and deserve.
Be Patient With You
As we learned last year, life is hard — and the becoming process can seem unbearable at times. Be patient if growth and progress don't look like you pictured it. Instead, remind yourself that even on your worst days, you're still doing your best — and that's more than enough.
Overall, you're the most important asset you have this year! Lean into your imperfections. Lean on your feelings, and bet on the fact that you are worth everything good you can think of.