What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed – Rooted Woman

What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed

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Sis, it seems like just yesterday we believed this year would be our best one yet; today, we’re just wondering if it’s safe to go outside. With constant news on the uptick in COVID-19 cases, massive economic downturn, and overt white supremacy — it’s normal if you have trouble concentrating on anything else right now, much less 2020 goals.

Still, the demands of life are ever-present on the job, in family, and in our communities. As women, we are often expected to show up as our best self and perform no matter what. How do you stay rooted in the midst of it all? Below we’ve shared some self-care tools to help you.

Check-In With Yourself

Sometimes, a lack of focus is the side effect of an underlying emotional issue left unaddressed. Instead of forcing yourself to perform, set aside time to check-in with yourself. Have you been distracted by daydreams? It may be time for a fun mental vacation. Do your thoughts trail off to chores or bills? Consider doing a brain dump in your journal. Freeing mental space will allow you to show up more grounded in your life.

Detach From Media

There is such a thing as too much information. Media is one of the most common disruptors to concentration, yet, so many of us tend to operate some sort of electronic device (television, phone, radio, etc.) as we attempt to multitask our way through the day, which isn’t the best for your productivity. Sometimes, you just need to silence the noise — yes, the laptop or phone you are on right now. Find an electronic-free space where you can meditate, read, or just take in the scenery. Doing this will help your body relax and your mind to slow down.

Take Care of Your Body

Prioritizing your health will reap lasting benefits. Inside Rooted Woman University, certified nutritionist Frances Holmes will show you how to increase focus, reduce anxiety, and boost the immune system. Sign up for “Nourishing Our Mind, Body, and Spirit in Times of Uncertainty” to get immediate access to all this insight and more.  

2020 Is Still Your Year

You are the author of your destiny. Although you may not be able to change what’s happening around you, you can adjust your emotional and mental responses to better serve you. We encourage self-care because it helps keep you focused on what’s important and gives you the freedom to release what’s not. Even on your off days, when you choose gratitude and joy, you’ll always find yourself back at your center.

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